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Learning Coach

LCVA offers a unique online program that provides students the flexibility to learn at a place and pace that suits their needs. To be successful, virtual students must be self-disciplined, self-motivated, responsible, and challenged by rigor.

As a parent/guardian, you will serve as a hands-on learning coach. Parents and guardians must play an active role by monitoring their student(s) to ensure they are meeting weekly attendance and progress goals. Most students in grades 7-12 can independently navigate Edgenuity and submit work for their courses but may need assistance from their learning coach regarding content or directions. Students are encouraged to contact their LCVA teachers as needed.


The role of the Learning Coach is to:

  • Regularly check grades.
  • Guide the student through the lessons.
  • Discuss the concepts being taught.
  • Oversee assignments.
  • Keep the students on schedule.
  • Ensure all components of the course are being done with fidelity.
  • Communicate with the teacher.